The comparative study of the artistic coefficient or quotation of an artist’s artwork is an analysis that is needed when it is necessary to know precisely the value of yours works, both for commercial purposes (ie works for sale ), both for cognitive purposes (knowledge of the value of yours collection).
The coefficient allocation study can be carried out by an expert or curator who has professional experience in this field and is based on the following principles:
– Production year
– Technique
– Chronological correspondence
– Artistic and iconographic reconnaissance
– Historical search (in the case of past or historian artists)
– Authenticity
– Estimate of market value
-String of intrinsic value
– Auction Houses
– Terms of Offer
-Risk assessment
and much more.
The study allows a careful analysis of the historicity (startup) and current (annual) coefficient. This studio is suitable for both contemporary and historical (or non-living) artists. The exam is carried out with different technical datasheets by gender, technique, year, etc. This is valid for life (as far as historicity is concerned), while it is annually renewed every two years (for contemporary artists or for historical memories of non-living artists).
Timing: 15-20 days after delivery of the material
Certifications: according to law
Renewals: every two years
Attached to the exam an example to calculate the coefficient by yourself
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